Even though signing Android applications is quite simpler than signing iOS applications, it’s sometimes annoying to set it up and reliably automate it (without using Phonegap or comparable services). Recently I tried automating singing a Cordova application for Android and struggled finding a reliable documentation.
The official Cordova documentation states, that you can easily append a bunch of arguments to the build
command to automatically sign your Android application:
Keystore (--keystore): Path to a binary file which can hold a set of keys.
Keystore password (--storePassword): Password to the keystore
Alias (--alias): The id specifying the private key used for singing.
Password (--password): Password for the private key specified.
Type of the keystore (--keystoreType): pkcs12, jks (Default: auto-detect based on file extension)
The catch is, you need to append these arguments as platformopts (POPTS):
cordova build [PROD] [TARGET] [EXP] [PLATS] [BUILDCONFIG] [-- POPTS]
PROD: --debug|--release
TARGET: --device|--emulator|--target=FOO
POPTS: platformopts
Therefore the command to build a signed Cordova android application becomes:
cordova build --release android -- --keystore=my.keystore --storePassword=K3ySt0reP4ssw0rd --alias=foobar --password=K3yP4ssw0rd
Alternatively, you could specify them in a build configuration file (build.json) using (–buildConfig) argument.
"android": {
"release": {
"keystore": "my.keystore",
"storePassword": "K3ySt0reP4ssw0rd",
"alias": "foobar",
"password" : "K3yP4ssw0rd",
"keystoreType": ""
and respectively
cordova build --release android --buildConfig=buildConfig.json
I tested all those commands with Cordova 5.4.0